What to Expect
On your first visit you will be asked about your symptoms; when they began, what makes them worse and whether anything relieves them.
Combined with a detailed medical case history, this gives the osteopaths vital clues about the causes of pain and how best to treat them.
It will help if you bring a list of current medication if you take any.
The osteopath observes your posture and movement. Coupled with a hands-on examination, a diagnosis can be made and a suitable treatment plan agreed upon.
In some cases assessment can be made with the patient fully clothed but often removal of tops, trousers or skirts is beneficial.
Advice is also given which may concern posture, diet, lifestyle, lifting and moving and stress.
The initial consultation requires a period of one hour. This allows sufficient time to take a full case history and carry out safe and appropriate treatment.
Subsequent treatments are 30 minutes. Most osteopaths expect to see considerable treatment benefit within two to six sessions, although sometimes a single visit is sufficient.
If a patient is not suitable for osteopathic treatment we may, with permission, contact their GP or refer elsewhere as appropriate.

Techniques used
Osteopaths have a wide range of techniques at their disposal to treat all areas of the body and these include soft tissue massage, joint articulation and manipulation.
In this practice we value highly the use of gentle techniques which can bring about profound results.
We have found that most of our patients prefer this softer style although firmer treatment can sometimes be appropriate and beneficial.
Any manipulation will only be given with the patient’s full consent.